Overhead Squat 5-5-5
Three Goats
We all have “goats” aka something we suck at. Today you get to make up your own workout out of your weaknesses. Here’s how it will go:
EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 15 Minutes:
Minute 1: Goat One
Minute 2: Goat Two
Minute 3: Goat Three
Minute 4: Goat One…
Keep alternating through movements every minute. You will end up with 5 rounds of each. Use this as a practice day, skill work, and/or even a strength day.
3 Deadlifts (275/185#)
6 Pull Ups
9 Burpees
Skill/Strength Intensive
5 Toes To Bar
5 Handstand Push Ups
25 Double Unders
Cardio Intensive
8 Burpees
8 Calorie Row
8 Power Cleans (95/65#)