Open 12.3
15 Box Jumps (24/18″)
12 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75#)
9 Toes to Bar
This weekend we celebrated Coach Kara’s birthday. As I looked around I was blown away by the impact of the connections and friendships made at our box! Dave Christiansen custom built the rig and he and Phillip Mercer put it up. Many of you guys contributed to the rig as a gift for Kara. Mistie Underhill created the awesome spread of desserts then she promptly retired from baking (not really, you can find her at Bakery on a Hill at Uptown Village in Cedar Hill). And Jason Cypret not only can build a cool CrossFit WOD tracking site (Boxboard) but he also has some mad skills with chalk!
It was really cool just hanging out and enjoying the community. Try that at your local Globo Gym!