Hey CFWers! Here are a few things you need to know about your up coming training:

1) We’re about to prep for the CrossFit Games Open. If you’re not exactly gunning for the Open, don’t worry, you’re still going to get the fantastic results you’re wanting out of your training. If you are getting ready to compete, you’ll want to focus each day, practice each skill and take the time to learn new things. Much of the Open is AMRAP format with bodyweight and light(er) barbell movements. Specific skills you will need to master will mainly be- double unders and toes to bar. Strength work would include chest to bar pull ups. Last week’s warm up was pulling and double under intensive. This week will be pushing and core intensive. Can’t wait to work with you guys in a full week!

2) We’re about to start Friday Night Lifts. This will be a class at 5:15pm on Friday and it will run throughout January and February. It’s available to all CFW members at no charge. We’ll be working on complex barbell movements- clean & Jerk/ snatch. I hope to see you guys there to work hard!


Back Squat

Every 2 Minutes x5

4 reps at 50%
3 reps at 65%
2 reps at 80%
1 rep at 85%
1 rep at 90%

Rest 2-3 minutes then perform:

Max set of Back Squat at 80%.


Tabata Push Ups

8 sets of 20s on/ 10s off

Goal is consistency across 8 sets. Lowest number of reps in the 8 rounds is your score.
