
Front Squat


Increase the weight as you build through the sets. The goal is to hit the last 3 at 75-85% of your 1RM. We last found a 1RM on 1-8-15.


Pull Ups

5 sets of 8 reps

Work smoothly and try to do each set unbroken. If you’re working towards the Open, make these C2B even if it’s not unbroken.


How do you recover from hard WODs?

Sometimes just resting isn’t enough. You need to actively recover at times from the workload you take on at the box. If you’ve got nagging aches and pains, that’s a clear sign you need extra mobility and/or recovery modalities. What works well?


Band Assisted Stretching

Foam Rolling

Massage/ Myofascial Release

Chiropractic Adjustments

Ice Baths

Epsom Salt Soaks

Contrast Baths

We have plenty resources to help you with these recovery practices. Sarah leads yoga classes every Wednesday morning and evening along with most Saturdays. Dr. Laura Biles, DC is at the Ten Clinic and does an awesome job taking care of many of our athletes. Dr. (Coach) Chris just joined the team at Ten Clinic as well.  For self myofascial work Mobility WOD is an excellent place to check out.

You don’t necessarily need to do all of these at once. Pick a couple and get on it throughout the week. Use your rest day to get out and walk or do another slow paced activity. The better you take care of your body, the more you’ll be able to achieve in the gym.


Box Brief

This month’s Community WOD will be on Saturday the 14th! Make plans to be there and bring a friend.