
Sven 6 was a HUGE SUCCESS thanks to all of you guys! I love this event and to watch you guys and gals beast it out!!

Check out the pics-

Teams & WOD 1


Final WOD


It’s “Chipper Monday,” folks! Lots of info in the Box Brief section today so after you check out the AWESOME WOD head on down and get the scoop.

For Time

400m Run
30 Toes To Bar
20 Walking Lunges
10 Burpee Pull Ups
20 Walking Lunges
30 Toes To Bar
400m Run


Box Brief

There is a TON of stuff going on this month. Be sure to grab your calendar to schedule and hit up all the fun!

This Friday the 8th we’ll begin a 6 week Friday Night Endurance series that will culminate in the first ever CFW Biathlon (run/slingshot).


We have 3 upcoming Nutrition talks-

Wednesday the 13th– Fuel 101: General nutrition for health and weight loss.

Wednesday the 20th– Jet Fuel :Nutrition for performance.

Wednesday the 27th– Tank Fuel: Nutrition for “getting jacked.”

*All three of these talks will be at 6pm in the evening and last approx 30-45 min.

**Free to members and the public.


The weekend of the 15th-17th is The CrossFit Games Regionals in Dallas. We (Chris & Laura) will be going Saturday and Sunday. Some folks will probably be going all three days. We’ll make plans to meat/eat/hang/etc as it gets closer.


Memorial Day is Monday the 25th and we’ll be doing our traditional Memorial Day Murph. Just like last year, the box will be open from 6-9am. You can do “Murph” rx’d, scaled or with a team. Come at the top of the hour to get ready for team Murph- 6, 7, & 8am.


See…I told you there was a LOT going on!