As many of you guys know about a month ago we started three separate training programs at CFW- Fit, Strong and Comp. These programs allow for box members to train more specifically toward their desired fitness goals. Some days the workouts are the same or similar and other days they will be completely different. I’ve enjoyed seeing the progress during this month. It seems like every day someone is hitting a PR or huge milestone in their training.
This next month we’re going to highlight a few CFW members about their training plan, find out their “why” for training and how it’s going. First up we check on how Crystal Ramirez is doing in the Strong Program:

When the new programs were introduced, I was super excited. I love that there can be so many different people at the same box working on different personal goals.
For me, I was immediately drawn to STRONG. I knew I was a little far out from COMP, and I’m okay with that. As for FIT, well, I’ll be honest…I immediately imagined all the normal stuff with a whole bunch of cardio (ahem, running) involved. And it’s no secret, I want to punch running in the face.
So STRONG it is. Regardless of the rigor of the other two, I would’ve landed here anyway. It’s much more than the default. I want that title to fit me. To be a word people can use to describe me. It goes so much deeper than the label on the WOD. I want to be a STRONG Jesus follower, a STRONG wife, a STRONG momma, a STRONG body.

I want my focus to shift from the weight on the scale to the weight on the bar. For as long as I can remember, I’ve let the number that pops up on the scale daily define my attitude. I either feel content and okay with the number I see, or I feel defeated and unworthy of a single look. And the line dividing the two is so very narrow. Fluctuating a single pound can turn me into a self conscious basket case. I knew if I went the FIT route, my focus would stay right there; even though I know weight loss is not necessarily the intention of that program. I’m trying to hand over that mindset. To find my worth in Jesus alone. Not a silly 3-digit number.
Since starting the STRONG program, I’ve hit three PRs (UPDATE- since this was written a week ago, she’s hit 2 more PRs) and have felt so much better loading up the bar. I can tell a difference mostly in my arm tone, and I can’t wear some of the clothes I’ve always worn because I’ve added muscle in my arms and shoulders. I’ll take it! My husband regularly tells me I look buff. I smile and blow it off, but really I’m glowing inside. It feels good to have your progress noticed.
My main goals for this track and beyond are to break 100# in something other than my deadlift and to master pull-ups. I’ll feel like I’ve “made it” when I can do a WOD with pull-ups sans bands. Regardless of when that comes, I’ve loved seeing the progress made over the last few weeks. Not only in my own numbers, but in so many others at the box…FIT, STRONG, or COMP. After all, the ultimate goal is progress, right?

Are you interested in getting FIT & STRONG? Click HERE to find out how to get started at CrossFit Waxahachie.