Dave traveling down the road to the top 200.

CF Games 16.1 will be announced at 7pm tonight. Join us for the watching party at the box to see what’s up. The schedule of Open WOD times will be as follows:

Friday: 6am, 8:30am & 5-7pm

Sunday: 3-5pm

Monday:  During class as needed.


Now what you’ve all been waiting for…the CFW Teams for 2016:

Black Team

Alan Simonton
Aaron & Melissa Cunningham
Kyle Brady & Cortney Talley
Tanner & Christi Milson
Dave & Amber Turton
Iris Harp
Liana Salinas
Miste Underhill
Kara Browne
Mary Burke
Courtney Jaramillo
Paul Colwell
Amy Harris
Carolyn Trog
Christina Gann
Debbie Manning
Larry Gentry
Nina Kee
Karen Williaford
Jason Alexander
Donald Milligan
Chris Spenrath
Matt Overcash

Red Team

Jason & Kelly Cypret
Silver & Elsa Espinoza
Chris & Laura Biles
Tractor & Reba Griesinger
Jamie Ermatinger
Crystal Ramirez
Josh Manning
Tim Stauffer
Debra ROCKS!
Sabrina Holmes
Justin Sherrill
Robyn Trog
Melissa Allen
Philip Mercer
Dave Christiansen
Taylor Thompson
Chandler Gentry
Brittney Ferguson
Haley Linn
John Gloria
Dillon Wilson
Taryn Rogers
Antonio Valido

The CFW Team Open will be scored by the following categories:

Complete WOD: 1pt (per team member)

Top 3 finishers guys & gals (Rx’d & scaled): 1pt each

Sport your team color to WOD: 5pts (per team member)

Have a team cheer (Friday Night): 5pts per team with a cheer

Best team cheer: 10pts to the team with the best cheer that week

Bonus points awarded for:

Going above & beyond with WOD outfit in team colors

Take a pic with your team members in your team colors and post with #teamname and #cfwteamopen2016

A spirit prize trophy will be awarded to the team that wins the spirit award each week and an all open winner at the end of the open.


Power Snatch

3 rep touch and go working on best possible form.


1 Power Snatch (70% of today’s 3 rep)


5 Power Snatches (70% of today’s 3 rep)
10 Bar Over Burpees