CrossFitters all over the globe spend their time comparing themselves against a standard. That standard is the “Rx” or workouts done “As Prescribed. If you perform a particular WOD (Workout Of the Day) as “Rx’d” it means you’ve done the listed weights and complete reps at full range of motion. For instance, if you take on the Girl WOD “Fran” you would do Thrusters at 95# (guys) or 65# (girls) and chin over bar Pull Ups.



Thrusters (95/65#)
Pull Ups

Last week during our “Chalk Talk” we learned that Rx comes from the Latin word meaning recipe. I think that’s pretty cool! We’re mixing up a fitness recipe for you to get in your best shape ever!

You may find in your CrossFit endeavor that you need more strength or conditioning or flexibility. Let’s face it, CrossFit training exposes a lot of deficiencies. I came into CrossFit as more of a distance biker/runner. As such, I could handle the conditioning pieces but I struggled with the listed weights. I spent quite a bit of time scaling weights and getting stronger.

The great thing about the training is that we will address many deficiencies over time. So while you may find the ever-changing workout of the day challenging most days and easy[ish] on others the upward progression of your strength, conditioning, skills and abilities is what we’re looking for.

The prescription of Constantly Varied, Functional Movement Executed at High Intensity will over the course of time build a level of fitness you can be proud of!

Your Prescrition is ready at CrossFit Waxahachie!