“Row-Nastics V2”
For Time
Row 250m
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Row 250
20 Strict HSPU
Row 250m
30 Toes to Bar
Row 250m
40 HR Push Ups
Row 250m
50 Air Squats
Sub C2B Pull Ups for Bar MU. Rest 2-3 minutes between each couplet. Score is total running time.
“Row-Nastics V2”
For Time
Row 250m
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Row 250
20 Strict HSPU
Row 250m
30 Toes to Bar
Row 250m
40 HR Push Ups
Row 250m
50 Air Squats
Sub C2B Pull Ups for Bar MU. Rest 2-3 minutes between each couplet. Score is total running time.