The values we hold at CFW are not aligned with recent statements made by CrossFit founder, Greg Glassman. It is our belief that racism in any form should not be tolerated. His words were toxic, hurtful and undefendable.

For the past 10 years we have provided a training space that has been inclusive to people of all races and ethnicities. We believe in equality and it is tough to watch our world in its current state. In a time when tensions are high and divisions are everywhere our goal is to continue to provide what we do- fitness for all. We are evaluating our options as a CrossFit affiliate and have currently not left the brand. It is our hope that CrossFit HQ finds a better way. We’re looking for it. We’d like to be part of it, if possible. If such changes aren’t made we will be parting ways.

If you have questions or concerns, please let me know. Message me. Discuss this with me. Let’s have coffee. I don’t want to treat this lightly and I don’t want to be insensitive. I’d like to hear your concerns and how we can move forward positively together. 

Much love, Coach Chris.