WHEN- SATURDAY, November 6th 8am to Noon
WHERE- Lakeview Camp, 5128 FM 66, Waxahachie, TX 75167


Line Facing Burpee Standards
-Chest and thighs to deck on one side of the tape line.
-Hands (and fingers) must be behind the tape line.
-Head may be over the line.
-Step or hop up from the ground and jump with two feet over the tape line.
-Proceed to burpee now facing the opposite direction.
Feed Bag Step Up Standards
-Athlete must pick up bag from the ground (teammates may not help).
-Athlete may shoulder or back rack the bag.
-Step onto the box and stand tall (lockout at knee and hip).
WOD 1 Flow- Athletes can split up the work however the wish. For example- athlete 1 performs 8 burpees, athlete 2 performs 8 bag box step ups and athlete 3 begins round 2 with 8 burpees.

Cluster Standards
-Each athlete has 2 minutes to perform as many squat clean thrusters as possible.
-There will be a 2 minute break between athletes to reset the area.
-The barbell starts on the ground for each rep.
-The athlete can power clean into a front squat or squat clean.
-From the front squat the athlete will drive the bar overhead to full lockout.
-Athletes may not re-dip after the drive (ie. jerk).
-There MUST be clips on the bar. No loading weights outside the clips.
WOD 2 Flow- One athlete is lifting for the entire 2 minutes. Teammates may change out the weights for their lifter but must leave the mat before the athlete can perform the cluster. Athletes must begin at the first load 75/55# and must progress in order through the loading. Athletes may stop at any weight they wish to collect points for their reps. Athletes can also decrease the weight at any time but do not have to go back down in descending order.

Assault Bike Standards
-Athletes must complete the calories before getting off the bike.
DB Hang Clean Standards
-Athletes must stand tall on the first lift and then establish the hang position.
-The hang position is anywhere from mid thigh to the knees.
-Each DB head must touch the front of the athlete’s shoulders.
-Athletes must stand tall before bringing the DBs down from the shoulder.
WOD 3 Flow- Athletes must perform their given reps before the next teammate may go. For example- Athlete 1 performs 9/6 cal bike and 9 DB hang power cleans…then the next athlete performs 9/6 cal bike and 9 DB hang power cleans…
FLOATER WOD- TBA (Friday, Nov 5th)
Teams may do the floater WOD at any point during the competition between 9:00 and 11:30am.