It’s here!!! The final week of Summer Shred! You guys have worked so hard and I hope you’ve learned a lot! We’d love to hear about your experience. Let us know how it went for you. Do you feel better in workouts? Clothes fitting better. Pounds and inches lost? Comment one this week’s Facebook or Insta post or simply send me an email. You’ll get 300 bonus points.

Week 6 Physical Challenge

The physical challenges this week include a combo of stretching and miles. Stretch 60 minutes this week along with running or walking 5 miles total. You can go for 10 min mobility a day or hit one full body stretch or yoga session for an hour. Likewise with the 5 miles- hit it in one shot or break it up to daily miles. Each of these are worth 250 points. Message “Flexy” and “5 Miles” in the Macrostax app to get your points.
Keep going for the final week, gang! Good luck!
Summer Shred Points
Here are the challenge points as of 7/9 at 3pm.