Thursday 1-31-13

Sorry for no Wednesday motivational post. I had nothing in the hopper and nothing to give. Today was two years since my father unexpectedly passed away. I think if I’d sat around and contemplated for a bit, I would have led myself into a depressed day. Instead of that, I got up and moved from […]

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Monday 1-28-13

  Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 ___ Broken Grace Clean & Jerk (135/85#) Perform 6 sets of 5 reps with 1 minute rest between. Take your total time minus 5 minutes (rest time). How does this compare to your normal Grace? Compare to 12/28/12. […]

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Friday 1-25-13

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Football Gone Bad Three 1 minute rounds for time: 1. DB Thrusters (45/25#) 2. Box Jumps (18″) 3. Push Ups 4. Double Unders 5. Calorie Row *Rest 1 minute between rounds **In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is […]

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Whatever It Takes

Sarah is another one of the few who have made the transition from BFC back in 2009 to present day CFW. Over that time she’s been working- HARD! She’s come a long way since she started with us and is still giving whatever it takes to move forward, improve and change her life! It hasn’t […]

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