Category: WOD
CFW Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 9-25-12
Squat 5×2 90% of your 3RM we found last week. Rest 2 minutes between lifts. Front Squat 5×3 Heavy. Rest 2 minutes between lifts. AMRAP 7 5 Toes to Bar 10 Squats […]

Monday 9-24-12
Max Reps in 1 Minute: Thruster (75/45#) Box Jumps (30/20″) Burpees Russian KBS (53/35#) Row (Calories) 30s rest between each station. x3. Score is total reps for all three rounds. […]

Thursday 9-20-12
Nasty Girls 3 RFT: 50 Squats 7 Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#) You can do ring or bar muscle ups. Sub for muscle up is 21 pull ups and 21 dips off of a box. Along with the Bear Complex we did last week. The Nasty Girls video is a WOD that I […]