Friday 6-8-12
STRENGTH: DE: Barbell Row 12 sets of 2 reps @ 60% of 1RM on 1:00 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: Light “D.T.” 5 RFT: 12 Deadlifts, 115/75 9 Hang Power Cleans, 115/75 6 Push Jerks, 115/75 […]
CFW Workout Of The Day
STRENGTH: DE: Barbell Row 12 sets of 2 reps @ 60% of 1RM on 1:00 STRENGTH & CONDITIONING WOD: Light “D.T.” 5 RFT: 12 Deadlifts, 115/75 9 Hang Power Cleans, 115/75 6 Push Jerks, 115/75 […]
If it’s raining tomorrow the WOD is: Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Press 5-5-5-5-5 Otherwise we’ll do: Ruck It Ruck 4-6 sets of 800m. Rest 2 minutes between efforts. Hold efforts to within 5-10s. Switch to a different object each time: Men- 45# plate or DB or vest, 50# sandbag, 53# KB Women- 25# plate or DB or […]
3 RFT: 50 Double-unders 40 Sit-ups 30 Hang Cleans (45/30#) 20 Pull Ups 10 Handstand push-ups __________ Strength Under Pressure Squat 3×5 (add 10#) Bench Press 3×5 (add 5-10#) __________ AMRAP 7 7 Power Cleans (50% of yesterday’s heavy C&J) 7 Burpees […]
We got a couple of new 15kg bars at CFW. The 15kg bars weigh 33#. Most of the time a girl uses one of these bars, so we tend to call them “girl bars.” That was until T infamously exclaimed, “Stop calling them girl bars and guy bars, they’re 30# and 45# bars!” Well, […]
ME: Shoulder Press ME = Max Effort. Typically working to a 2 rep max for 5 sets but not limited to that. If 1RM PR is there take it, if not don’t. To perform the max effort method progress to heavy weights for 1 to 3 repetitions per set. The heavy load (near max weight) […]
Nancy 5 RFT: Run 400M 15 Overhead Squats (95/65#) __________ Strength Under Pressure 3 RNFT: 10 Turkish Get Ups (per arm)- As heavy as possible 10 DB Snatch (45/25#) 10 KB Step ups on 12″ box or plate stack (per leg) (70/53#) _____ AMRAP 7 10 Pistols (5L/ 5R) 25 Double Unders (sub is tuck […]