Category: WOD
CFW Workout Of The Day

Monday 1-30-12
Squat 3×5 (add 10# to previous) __________ Prowler Flu Max Distance in 20 seconds (M-45#/ W-prowler only) Rest 1-2 minutes between efforts. How many should you do? Aim for 8-12. 1-5 = mild flu-like symptoms 5-10 = chills & body aches likely 10-15 = nausea & vomiting possible __________ ***Row Update*** We only have 19,409 […]

Thursday 1-26-12
Bear Complex 7 Sets of the following sequence: 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push Press 1 Back Squat 1 Push Press 5 Rounds with rest between rounds to load up. There are several versions of the Bear Complex. We will be using the CrossFit HQ version. The goal is to work up to […]

Tuesday 1-24-12
Deadlift 5RM (add 10# to last workout) __________ 3 RFT: 10 Pistols 20 Pull Ups 30 Double Unders […]

Monday 1-23-12
Squat 3×5 (add 10# to previous) Press 3×5 (add 5# to previous) __________ For time: 25 Manmakers Guys 20-25# Ladies 10-15# […]

Thursday 1-19-12
Squat 3×5 (add 10# to previous) _________ Every 3 Minutes- Run 400M Use the remaining time to get AMRAP Power Cleans (115/75#) Rest 2 minutes. Repeat x4 […]