Monday 6-6-11
Dot Drills __________ Muscle Up Practice __________ For time: 12-9-6-3 Pull Ups Ring Dips Box Jumps […]
CFW Workout Of The Day
Dot Drills __________ Muscle Up Practice __________ For time: 12-9-6-3 Pull Ups Ring Dips Box Jumps […]
Run With The Bulls 3 RFT: Run 400M 25 Squats 25 Push ups 25 Sit ups Perform all movements with a weight plate. (M-45#/ W-25#) This was the first workout in our new location here. You can check out the previous effort here: […]
CFW will be closed next Monday for Memorial Day. Enjoy time with those you love! Marine Staff Sgt Daniel Hansen died February 14th in Farah Providence, Afghanistan when an IED he was working on detonated. Daniel is survived by his mother Sheryll, his father Delbert, his younger sister Katie, and his twin brother Matthew (also […]
AMRAP 10 5 Clean and jerk (135/95#) 10 Pistols You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. -Adlin Sinclair […]
Pull up ladder Every minute perform 1 pull up increasing by 1 each minute (In minute 1 do 1, min 2 do 2, 3 do 3…) until failure. Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. -George Sheehan The Bodacious Biles Brothers […]