Category: WOD
CFW Workout Of The Day

Monday 11-23-20
Steady state WOD today that shouldn’t slow many of you down. See how many rounds you can stack up in 12 minutes. Never miss a Monday! […]

Thursday 11-19-20
If you know, you know. On the surface this WOD looks like a cake walk. ON the contrary, it can be one of the toughest you’ll do this week. Try to keep the intervals within 10s of each other from your fastest to slowest. Gold star if you keep it under 3s. […]

Tuesday 11-17-20
“Green Eggs” For Time Row 1000m4 Deadlifts (315/205#)8 Rope Climbs3 Deadlifts (315/205#)6 Rope Climbs2 Deadlifts (315/205#)4 Rope Climbs1 Deadlifts (315/205#)2 Rope Climbs We last did this WOD on 9-18-20. Check out BoxBoard to see how you tackled it and try to beat your previous score. […]